Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Google Effect and it's impact on our future.

As we move further into the 21st century, indeed, what can be called the century of the communications network, we will become deeply integrated into the emerging global machine. Why fight it?

If there is a "Google Effect", was there a "Library Effect" with the first known library - the Library of Alexandria in the third century BC?

Or perhaps the "Table of Contents Effect" when it's use became popular in 82 BC, making retrieval of information within a book faster and easier?

Maybe there was a "Literacy Effect"  in the 1400's when Gutenberg developed inexpensive (for it's time) printing - thus eventually igniting the need for literacy planet wide.

There will always be "an effect". The end result of the effect is simply faster access to information. And what can be faster than access to the sum of all human information right within the palm of your hand?

So, really, welcome to the "human effect". Our brains are now becoming wired to the library. The "Knowledge Effect" is the final result - and this is where our education systems should focus. Pattern deduction, insight jumps, conceptualization, imagineering, vision, day dreaming - these are the skills of a 21st century student.

Let's let the machines provide the library of information, and let the human mind do what it's best at - the mining of knowledge and dreaming big.
SKYPE: Kim William Gordon
YouTube Channel:

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